'colorful'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.11.24 Drawing Technique: Scratch Art 2
2008. 11. 24. 10:50

Drawing Technique: Scratch Art

Have you ever tried scratch art?
Scratch art is a drawing technique that lets you create colorful drawings. 
You first color all over your paper with bright crayons, then color black over the top. Finally you can use an eraser (a sharp pin in real life) to scratch off the black to draw and reveal the beautiful colorful surface underneath.

Take a look at some of scratch art works that our SketchPAN friends have done on DrawingPAN.  How creative!!


And their drawing videos:

  by Mani
  by Magic

  by KillerLoop

  by aYoohwa
   by fkrGa

  by Choroki