'mypan'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.05.03 About MyPAN!
  2. 2008.11.07 SketchPAN Services: All-in-One 1
2009. 5. 3. 14:59

About MyPAN!

Just few tips on how to use MyPAN.
Did you know that every member of SketchPAN has his/her own profile page?
It is called MyPAN, which can be organized according to your taste.

For profile, not only you can upload a drawing, but you can also upload a photo of your own portrait or anything. (It's the only place where you can upload a file from your desktop) 

When you add someone as a friend, the friend profile image will automatically be collected on FriendsPAN. You can click on it to visit his/her PAN.

Make the best use out of ScrapPAN (scrapbook) and GuestPAN (guestbook), too.
It's one fun way of communicating with friends in SketchPAN where everyone loves drawing.

      * Thanks, ZeroYuki. We used your PAN as an example because you are one rock star!
2008. 11. 7. 14:54

SketchPAN Services: All-in-One

Our Main Page: 

  • If you are wondering what this service is about, click 'ABOUT'
  • If you want to check who's the hottest artists these days, click "HOT ARTISTS" 

  • 'Top Live drawings' shows the most popular drawings and animations. 
    You can browse them in groups of today, this week, this month, and all time.
  • 'Recent Live Drawing' shows very new drawings and animations that are created by users. 
  • 'Recent Together Live Drawings' shows very new relay drawings created from TogetherPAN.
  • 'Live Drawings by Guests'shows new drawings and animations that are created by non sign-in users.
  • You can also view contents by Mood and/or Design.   

DrawingPAN lets you record your drawing process and replay it.

AnimationPAN lets you create a flipbook.

TogetherPAN lets you relay draw after another to create a collaborative artwork. 

ShopPAN lets you start with more than a blank sheet of paper.

MyPAN is your personal page. Keep track of drawings by your friends and your own.