'Sketchpan'에 해당되는 글 46건

  1. 2012.11.18 Sketory Drawing Game App! (Samsung Apps Store)
  2. 2012.04.20 SketchPAN APP has been launched on Facebook!! 5
  3. 2009.06.28 Goodbye. Michael Jackson 3
  4. 2009.06.21 Send a message on Father's Day! 2
  5. 2009.06.06 The Drawing Day has come!
  6. 2009.05.17 The Devils Collection
  7. 2009.04.26 Our New Service, "Image Talk!"
  8. 2009.04.12 Our New Service, PuzzlePAN! 3
  9. 2009.04.12 Our New Service, Live PAN is here!
  10. 2009.04.05 Hot Artist Kute's Beautiful Flowers
2012. 11. 18. 22:48

Sketory Drawing Game App! (Samsung Apps Store)



We are happy to let you know that SketchPAN just launched Sketory Drawing Game App

on Samsung Apps Store and it is chosen as one of ‘HOT Apps’ at the Samsung Apps Store!!

If you are a Samsung smartphone users, you can download it from the link :


Or type in 'Sketory ChatOn' from Samsung Apps

[How to Play Sketory]


Try to guess as many words as you can within a limited of time!

Use skip and hint items when needed. 


Be initiative! Become a creator of the game.

Your fun drawing will be played by other users! You can also share your saved drawings to your ChatON messenger friends. Try changing drawing sounds to add extra fun .


You can view all the fun drawings created by users.

Share your drawings to your Facebook, Twitter, and ChatOn friends.

* You can also play and create from our website www.sketory.com

Start improving your creativity and drawing skills with Sketory.

We’ll constantly improve our service to meet your creativity.

So do not hesitate to contact help@sketchpan.com if you have any ideas or problems.

Please don’t forget to ‘LIKE’ it and give us lots of Stars from Samsung Apps!

2012. 4. 20. 16:00

SketchPAN APP has been launched on Facebook!!

We just opened our SketchPAN APP last night. Since it's our fresh start, we truly need your drawing support. If you are a fb user, please like the APP and start showing off your great skill. Will be waiting for you!! <3

2009. 6. 28. 20:51

Goodbye. Michael Jackson

It happened on June 25th 2009, at 2:26 PM.  The death of a legend, an era, and of the musical genius of Michael Joseph Jackson.  The world is in mourning over the loss of  this amazing artist, dead at 50.  He captivated the world with his music, his trouble and with his death of cardiac arrest.

The King of Pop returns to Neverland..

Whatever Michael was and whatever he wasn't, we simply adored him. GoodbyeMichael, we sang your songs, we danced to your music, we mourn your death, we love you, we will always love you!

by Mummuh
2009. 6. 21. 11:39

Send a message on Father's Day!

                          Happy Father's Day!!!

It's June 21st today, which means it's Fathers' Day in United States, Canada and U.K!

Why don't you create a lovely message to your dad and show him or send an email?


I'll give you a little hint by showing what Warden and Amber have created ;)

      by Warden from U.S.

     by Amber from U.S.

     Here's how you can send email..

2009. 6. 6. 23:36

The Drawing Day has come!

Let's start drawing!
Show the SketchPAN spirit~ Yeah!!


2009. 5. 17. 16:13

The Devils Collection

We found some interesting devil drawings on SketchPAN and wanted to share them with you.
Take a look at how our artists see devils themselves. Most of them are quite cute I think. ;)

devil's son by mexy5


White Devil by Choonyeh

kk startrek by gagagam

devil by ChaJooHwan

devil's tail by ABCLoco

The devil by ZeroYuki
2009. 4. 26. 20:28

Our New Service, "Image Talk!"

Introducing our new service 'Image Talk'
Pick the subject you wish to discuss about in drawings!

'Image Talk' is a new way of making friends by finding common interests between you and other people through drawings. 

Click on the Image Talk button (marked red).
Click on the one you are interested in, leave image comments, and see what other people are talking, we mean drawing, about each topics. If you like what the other person was thinking, add him/her as a friend!

Our current topics. You can also suggest one,too!

We are trying our best to find every possible way of communicating with images. Have fun!

2009. 4. 12. 17:41

Our New Service, PuzzlePAN!

Wow. How happy we are to introduce another fun game today!
It's a puzzle game. Might sound ordinary, but believe us, it's not. 

This puzzle game is made out of your own drawing! Fascinating, huh?
Click on GamePAN, and you'll see it.

It will automatically shuffle drawings from Best PAN for you.
If you only want to play with your own drawings, click on image option 
and change to My PAN. (marked red)

If it's too easy, change the level. (marked green)

You can also put the mini puzzlePAN on your blog by clicking on the
"Share puzzle game"
The result? See the top right of this blog. 
2009. 4. 12. 17:15

Our New Service, Live PAN is here!

What you've all been waiting for... Live PAN is finally here!
Yes, it's a PAN where everyone can come in and draw simultaneously.

You just need to log in first,
and click on the Live PAN button on the left (marked red)

For more details about the service, see the below and check it out ;)!

2009. 4. 5. 17:53

Hot Artist Kute's Beautiful Flowers

We just wanted to introduce the amazing works of 'kute.'
Daisies, violets and some wild flowers are beautifully drawn by her. How delicate!

Kute, we look forward to see more spring flowers blossoming at SketchPAN!! ;)